The FAITH PROMISE OFFERING is a method of missionary giving by individuals or families through their local church. A FAITH PROMISE is made to contribute a certain amount, either weekly or monthly, to the missionary fund of the local church, over and above the usual tithe, building fund, and other offerings. It is based upon faith and is given first, just as the tithe, trusting God for needs. It follows the basic biblical principle of sowing and reaping, sowing always being first. (2 Corinthians 9:6)
Here at InaHere at Ina FWB Church we decide, as a church, which missionaries and at what financial level we will support them each month through our Faith Promise Program. In essence, as a congregation we step out in faith to set a commitment level and then rely on individuals to give through the program to meet those commitments. At times we have used commitment cards or other methods to gauge our congregation and determine where our overall commitments should be set, but in recent years we have simply promoted the program and allowed the giving itself to act as a gauge for adjustment.
We have designated the 3rd Sunday of each month "Faith Promise Sunday" as a time for individuals to give their Faith Promise offerings, though they can be given at any time by simply designating "Faith Promise" on the offering.
From month to month the faith promise offerings that are collected may or may not equate to the commitment level that we have set as a church. The monthly commitments established by the church are sent to the missionary agencies, regardless of the offerings received. Shortfalls in any given month are made up from the general fund and any excess offerings received are carried over for the next months. On an annual basis, if the level of giving is substantially higher or lower than the commitments from the previous year, the church may elect to adjust the commitments for the following year up or down, accordingly. For this reason, it is important to designate your intended faith promise offerings "Faith Promise" so that they can be included in our assessment of program participation. Why Should I Make a Faith Promise Offering?
What is A Faith Promise For Missions?
"The Faith Promise Offering for Missions is the amount you promise to give by faith above your tithes during the coming year to the missions program of your church."
The Faith Promise Offering is a Biblical plan or method of giving.
Missions is at the very heart of our Faith Promise Offering. What is closer to the heart of God than missions? (John 3:16; Romans 10:1)
How Does the Faith Promise Offering